Actually pickle soup is good when the weather is cold, too. And its equally delicious when I’m in a good mood.
Did my mood improve after I ate this soup? well, I ate two bowlfuls, and by then I was hydrated and resalted from the pickle juice and soup broth, and to tell you the truth: I WAS in a better mood.
I must take this moment to mention COLD pickle soup, which i have teased people with my mentioning in various social networks, but that is a completely different soup, a different recipe. I will put it up though, i promise. But in the meantime, this pickle soup was something I tasted first in a Polish restaurant (“c’mon: pickle soup???? cream of pickle soup????” yes that really was me, hard to believe, i know) and was won over just one spoon into my pickle soup experience. In Poland I discovered it was also garlicky, and meaty, and lush. At home in my own kitchen I realized I could put a whole garden of vegetables in it, and if i didn’t have a meaty broth, with chunks of meat, I could use a porcini bouillon cube and a handful of meatballs.
Instead of sweet cream, I used sour, then i used yogurt which i like even more. And in addition to the dill, I snipped a handful of chervil and found it brought the whole pickle-y thing together like magic.
this is the soup without the meatballs, just the vegetables.
and these, are the meatballs.