So its raining, and i’m thinking: what to eat for lunch, and really when i say raining I mean miserable has summer left us forever raining…..and I’m hungry, and of course there is no good bread in the house…..not much of anything really. And i’m trying to watch my weight, always so annoying when thinking about the next delicious thing to eat.
But on my shelf I have dried ramen: the kind from natural foods shops which promises decent noodles (and seems to have delivered) and a not too awful powdered soup mix to go with it. Also: one good thing about using the packaged ramen: you do have a calorie count and can’t help yourself to seconds unless you want to open up a new package. With all the cabbage and seaweed and miso, all of the uber-umami liquid, those 200-ish calories worth of noodles go quite far in your bowl.
so: here is how it goes, at least today. For lunch. I boil a quarter of a shredded cabbage for a few minutes until it softens, add the ramen noodles until they are half tender, then shake in the soup powder along with a little ginger.
When its all tender-ish, a few minutes no longer, I stir in a tablespoon miso (i used white) and 2 tablespoons seaweed bits; I used the kind seasoned with green tea and sesame. Oh and a drizzle of sesame oil at the end.
Then i heated it all up with a big fat splosh of hot fragrant chile oil.
1’/4 white/green cabbage thinly sliced
3 cups water
1 packet of ramen, noodles
the accompanying sachet of soup powder
2 tablespoons white miso
a little bit of shredded ginger
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1-2 tablespoons seaweed bits, the kind meant to be sprinkled onto salads or soups
hot fragrant ( i like homemade) chile oil
Combine the cabbage and water and bring to the oil; add the noodles and cook until noodles are half tender.
Add the soup powder and cook a minute or two longer or until the noodles are just tender.
Stir in the miso, taking care it all dissolves; you can thin it down before you stir it in if you like.
Stir in the ginger, sesame oil, seaweed bits and ladle into bowls. If you like, add a spoonful of the hot chile oil to taste.