i’ll never complain again about the difficulty watering my own garden, in the UK without a good hosepipe or watering system. Lugging water in my big orange-coloured plastic watering can, filling it up from the kitchen faucet then carrying it to the front of the house, watering the tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, nastrurtiums, geraniums, lavender, and peppers. The whole process of watering takes about an hour–depending on the heat and dryness or cool moisture of the day; some days take more water, some days less. But after watching the Chinese gardeners in my Rear Window, 14 floors down, using bowls and buckets without handles, drawing the water from one of several scary wells–uncovered and oh so easy to fall into–climbing down a dodgy flight of homemade stone steps to dunk the bowl into the water, then climbing the stones and walking down the path to their little plot of greenery. No, I will never complain about watering MY garden, again.