Am so pleased to share my lastest book with you, Taste Naples.( my amazon account, and yes, i get paid a small amount for each sale.). I have long been in love with this vibrant, boistrous Mediterranean ode to life.
It is many contradictions: cultured, noble, and opulent; also poverty stricken tenements. Whether its wide boulevards and narrow alleys, the streets are filled with the chatter of life and interaction; the air is filled with the smell of delicious things cooking.
And the people are so lively you might not even recognize them as the same species but once their entusiasm rubs off onto you, you will never be the same.Plus there are 26 traditional recipes to get you started tasting Naples
So take a bite: a big fat joyful bite. And maybe just maybe we will hear opera in the street, and smell tomatoes cooking on a pizza, as we scamper through the pages. Gotta go, I smell the garlic and tomatoes of a marinara pizza, on via Toledo, and I can wait no longer.
(remember: this is the amazon link: Taste Naples).
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